The best way to prevent disease is to detect them early, which can be done only by regular health check-ups. Shanti Mukand Hospital Introduce SMH General Health Check Package which is mandatory set of tests for everyone.
The SMH Cardiac Check-up is a comprehensive package. It is an in-depth screening addressing risk factors for heart diseases and is well-tailored for people preferring specific set of tests for the heart.
A package designed specifically for children under 15 years to evaluate their growth and development and screen for any major diseases.
The Executive Health Check package that focuses mainly on busy corporates and entrepreneurs. It has a series of tests to ascertain if the person is in good health.
This is an extensive health check-up program which covers assessment of the vitamin deficiencies, metabolic functions and screening for infectious diseases in addition to detailed evaluation of health profile, assessment of health risks and consultation with expert doctors is included in the package.
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Amarnath Yatra Medical is one of the most important processes for the Amarnath Yatra Pilgrimage. As we know without Amarnath Yatra Registration we cannot perform the pilgrimage of Amarnath Yatra in the same way without Amarnath yatra medical no yatra registration will be issued.
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