S.No. | Particulars / Details | Description |
1. | Name of the Establishment | Shanti Mukand Hospital |
2. | Address of the Establishment (Registered Office) | 2, Institutional Area, Vikas Marg, Karkardooma, New Delhi - 110092 |
3. | Name / address of Website | www.shantimukand.com |
4. | Address of the Establishment / Branch Office where contract workers are to be engaged | N/A |
5. | Nature of work for which Contract Workmen are to be employed | Housekeeping, Hospital Security & Maintenance |
6. | Name of the Proprietor / Partner / Director / Managing Director / Medical Superintendent | Dr. Sandeep Mittal - Medical Superintendent |
7. | Date of starting the business | 2/04/1995 |
8. | Date of initial agreement with the principal employer (Working since with PE) | CLA PE (Principal Employer) DLC (E) 2005/904 |
9. | Contact Number of Principal Employer | 011 - 47276601 |
10. | E-Mail ID of PE | ms@shantimukand.com |
11. | WebSite address of contractors establishment | www.madhurenterprises.in, www.vishkarmaprojects.com, www.innovision.co.in |
12. | Registration No. under the Registration Act 1908 | N/A |
13. | Registration No. under Partnership Act, 1932 | N/A |
14. | Registration No. under the Companies Act, 1956 | N/A |
15. | Registration No. under the Delhi Shops & Establishment Act, 1951 | N/A |
16. | Registration No. under the Factories Act (For PE) | N/A |
17. | Registration No. of Employees ESI Act, 1948 | N/A |
18. | Registration No. EPF and Misc. Provisions Act, 1952 | DL-20011 |
19. | Service Tax Registration No. | ST AAATS1341NSD001 |
20. | Sale Tax Registration No. | NA |
21. | PAN Card No. | AAATS1341N |
22. | TAN No. | DELS06233D |
23. | GST No. | 07AAATS1341N1ZE |
Contractor Details
S.No. | Name and address of Contractors engaged | Name of the Executive Partner/Prop./Director | Site/work place where contract labour is to be engaged | Maximum Number of worker to be engaged | Name & Designation of Authorized Representative of PE for verifying/witness the wage disbursement | Date of payment of Wages |
1. | M/S SCG Contracts India Private Limited 240, 3rd Floor, Satya Niketan, New Delhi - 21 |
Mr. | Shanti Mukand Hospital | 100 | Ms. Deepa Kumari Senior Assistant Manager - HR | 7th of every month |
2. | M/S Madhur Enterprises B - 72, 1st Floor, Street No. 10, Chander Vihar, IP Extension, Delhi - 92 |
Mr. Anil Kumar Saxena | Shanti Mukand Hospital | 64 | Ms. Deepa Kumari Senior Assistant Manager - HR | 7th of every month |
3. | M/s Vishkarma Electric & AC Works Pvt. Ltd., Pocket - C, A224, Mayur Vihar, Phase - II, Delhi - 91 |
Mr. Rajinder Kumar Sharma | Shanti Mukand Hospital | 10 | Ms. Deepa Kumari Senior Assistant Manager - HR | 7th of every month |
4. | Innovision Limited:, Block 68/273, Sukhrali, MG Road, Gurgaon-122001 (Haryana) | Shanti Mukand Hospital | 33 | Ms. Deepa Kumari Senior Assistant Manager - HR | 7th of every month |