Best Hospital in Delhi| Hospital nearest Karkardooma| Preet Vihar | Laxmi Nagar|Shahadra
  • Appointment :        011-47276600
  • Ambulance :           011-47276741
Insert title here
# Services Male Female
1 Physician Consultation
2 Gynaecologist
3 Orthopaedics / Dental /
Ophthalmology / ENT
4 Cardiology Consultation * *
5 Complete Haemogram including
PS & ESR (18 Parameters)
6 Blood Sugar Fasting
7 Blood Sugar Post Prandial
8 Urea
9 Creatinine
11 Uric Acid
12 Calcium(Total)
13 Sodium
14 Potassium
15 Chloride
16 Bicarbonate
17 Total Protein
18 Albumin
19 Globulin
20 A/G Ratio
21 Bilirubin (T)
22 Bilirubin (D)
23 Bilirubin (ID)
26 Alkaline Phosphatase
28 Cholesterol
29 HDL Cholesterol
30 LDL Cholesterol
31 Triglyceride
32 VLDL Cholesterol
33 PSA
34 PAP Smear
35 ECG
36 Chest X-Ray PA View
37 USG whole abdomen
38 TMT
39 2D ECHO
  Total Amount 6900 6900


  • A prior appointment would help us facilitate a smooth process. For appointment, please contact Front Desk at - 011-47276600.
  • Health check-up begins from 9:00 am.
  • Breakfast is included in the package
  • Appointments for packages that require you to be on empty stomach are given only up to 10.30 am, as fasting blood investigations done later in the day do not give an accurate outcome
  • You can take plain water
  • In case you are on any medication, please bring them with you and take them after your breakfast as you go through your health check-up. If you experience any discomfort, we shall have you meet our physician immediately
  • If you are diabetic, do not take insulin in the morning; the same can be taken along with breakfast, after fasting blood sample and ultrasound have been done
  • If you are a smoker, please do not smoke on the day of your health check-up
  • While undergoing various tests you will be required to change clothes frequently. You are advised to wear loose casual clothes and footwear. You will be required to remove neck chains, lockets etc. prior to your chest X-ray. If possible, please leave behind all jewellery, valuables etc. at home on the day of your health check-up
  • Pregnant ladies or if suspecting pregnancy please do not undergo any X-ray examination. Avoid check-up during menstrual period
  • If you are diabetic, or have high blood pressure, or are pregnant, or have any other clinical condition, please inform the SMH reception staff at the time of registration
  • If you are diabetic, you SHALL NOT accept the glucose drink that is given to non-diabetics after the first blood sample is taken

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